Monday, October 31, 2016

I'm self-reliant

I think that Emerson's essay is mostly about believing in what we think is right and to not believe what society wants us to believe. There's some things that he wrote that I didn't understand well.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Vocab: fall list # 6

Meme- an idea or element of social behavior passed on through generations in a culture
Virus- a part of a computer program often to damage or shut down a system or network
Viral- of, pertaining to, or caused by a virus
Blog- a journal written on-line and accessible to users of the internet
Wiki- a web application that shows anyone visiting a website to edit a content on it
URL- Uniform Resource Locator a protocol for specifying adresses on the internet
Website- a group of connected pages on the World Wide Web containing information on a particular subject
WWW- World Wide Web
Internet- a large computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide
2.0- the internet viewed as a medium in which interactive experience in the form of blogs, wikis, forums, etc plays a more important role than a simple accessing information
Open source- intellectual property esp. computer source code, that is made freely available to the general public by its creators

Vocabulary pictures

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Letter to a Mentor draft 1

Dear Mentor,

                I want to know how did life begin. How did everything get started? How was everything created? I really want to know how life began, if life started since the day we were born or did life started years ago. There could be different people who think differently than me or have an answer to my question.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Vocabulary: fall list # 5

Venomous- full of or containing venom; poisonous
Stolid- not easily stirred or moved mentally or emotionally
Hypnotized- to put in a state of hypnosis
Suspended- to hang by attachment to something above, esp. so as allow free movement
Transformed- to change in form
Accuse- to charge with a fault, offense, or crime
Anticipate- to realize or feel beforehand; foresee
Fringe- a decorative border of short threads, cords, or loops
Melancholy- a gloomy state of mind; depression or dejection
Earnestly- serious of intention, purpose, or action
Dissolve- to become a mixture or solution of
Aggravate- to make worse or more severe; intensity
Illuminate- to supply or brighten with light; light up
Capillary- one of the tiny, hair like blood vessels between the arteries and the veins
Proboscis- the long flexible nose of certain animals as of an elephant